Gill is a fairly normal 19 year old. He goes to school, hangs out with his best friend Cory, and on occasion feels awkward around cute women. Gill's life however is in the process of taking a turn for the interesting. |
Everything that could be said about Zoe could be said of every great woman in history. Smart, kind, beautiful, maybe a little crazy. Zoe is the apple of Gill's eye and together they work like peanut butter and bananas. |
Half man, half awesome, all demented. Cory is Gill's best friend and, unfortunately for Gill, hetero life partner. They've been through thick and thin and both know that they need one another. |
Widely regarded as the village idiot in Gill's body, Appendix finds himself in a frighteningly new situation. He is in charge of Gill. Up till this part of his life he's never known real responsibility but now that he has it he is determined to not to mess it up. Too bad he will anyway. |
She has been the second in charge of Gill for years. Now she's in the situation of teaching a new first in command while keeping the whole of Gill from falling apart. With any luck Gill will live through this change and Penis won't have to kill Appendix. |
Stomach is used to cleaning up messes, its a big part of his job. The amount he's been hit with lately though might be too much to take. He's hardworking and wise but there's no guarantees he can handle the pressure of the new management system. |
The longtime leader of Gill. Brain is smart, experienced, calculating, and he knows it. After his decision to leave Gill on vacation will Gill ever be the same? |